Long-Eared Myotis (Myotis evotis)
Description: Body length about 3.4-3.9″, with a 10-12″ wingspan. Long, glossy brown fur on back and lighter belly.
Range: Western US and Canada, not common in CA central valley. Probably migrates short distances to hibernate.
Habitat: Found in coniferous forested areas and semi arid shrub lands and agricultural areas. Roosts singly or in very small groups. Small maternal colonies. Roost in abandoned buildings, hollow trees, niches under bark, cliff crevices, caves and mines.
Diet: Emerges half hour after sunset. Forages in forests. Catches insects on the fly, gleans off vegetation or the ground. Prefers moths and beetles. Also consumes true bugs, flies, lace wings, other insects as well as spiders and wasps.
Behavior: Flies slowly, can hover. Mother gives birth to one pup. Life span 22 years.
Risks: Closure of abandoned mines, recreational caving, blasting for avalanche control, destruction of rocky areas for development.